Margaret DeSimone

Sloan Awards for Excellence in Teaching Science and Mathematics • 2011

Title and Organization Living Environment (and Lab), Anatomy and Physiology, Midwood High School


A Midwood High School senior used to score 60s in Margaret DeSimone’s anatomy class. But that changed quickly.”She treated everyone, the quick and the slow learners, with the same respect and care,” said the student who next year will study science at Hunter on a scholarship. “I want to be a doctor,” she says. “Ms. DeSimone opened my eyes to lots of medical topics, she gave me options, and she gave me confidence.”This is just one of countless examples in which DeSimone has touches the lives of her students. “It’s not a problem reaching the gifted or even the average student,” said a science department colleague. “The challenge is to reach the uninterested, and Ms. DeSimone is the master.”To help the poorer performers, DeSimone calls every home for 6 months to ensure students show up. And, she created a Anatomy and Physiology elective where otherwise uninterested students are shocked into attention. As a result, “Her students are hungry for more science classes